Who we are
Simple Politics does things differently. We exist to help you have better conversations about the issues and the changes that matter. We do so by being clear, accurate and impartial. Also, light-hearted, engaging and occasionally (but not as often as we think) amusing.
It’s not just about understanding the facts and the topics themselves, but also looking at why different people hold the opinions they do. Those with whom you disagree aren’t monsters. Understanding and respect are at the core of everything we do.
Our core offering will always be free.
Unfortunately giving things away for free isn’t a great business model. We’ve never been business people. But. We do need to make this work.
We do so through our amazing supporters who keep us going by buying stuff in our shop and making monthly donations.
What we do
We want to help people have better conversations about politics. Everything we do - everything - is based on that.
We're best known for our social media. We've 1.2m followers across all accounts. That's Instagram, Facebook, X and (very recently) TikTok.
We also have a podcast (The Simple Politics Podcast), a weekly email (sign up here) and a US politics-focused sister page, SPUS.
Our card game, Policy Odyssey launched in 2016 and has sold thousands since. Tatton has written two books, The Breakdown and Politics But Better. The books are in all good bookshops, but you can get them and the card game direct from us here.
We've recently launched SP+. That's a way to dive deeper into politics with more focus on policy and procedure, with a little commentary thrown in, too. That's available through Instagram subscriptions.